Sunday, August 17, 2008

Knock Knock and Other Humor

Today in my car:
Elias: Knock knock.
Mommy: Who's there?
Elias: Tank.
Mommy: Tank who?
Elias: You're Welcome!

Elena: Knock knock.
Mommy: Who's there?
Elena: Fish.
Mommy: Fish who?
Elena: Ummmmm. Duck.

Tonight to the melody of the Barney Song:
I love you, You love me,
Stinky, stinky, stinky baby...

Tonight in the bath to the tune of ABC's:
Stinky baby, stinky baby, stinky baby, stinky baby... (both kids CRACKING UP)
(I guess we have officially entered the phase of poop jokes)

1 comment:

Millers said...

I told the kids this joke from Elias and they thought that it was hilarious! Tell Elias he is a good joke teller. I haven't heard them repeat it yet, but we had a busy day I imagine they might tell Cory tomorrow.