Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday Five!
try to incorporate dancing into your week and tell us how it goes!
let’s see how the five did…and feel free to share any dancing adventures of your own.
lissie- so…i can think of 4 times i got to dance this week.1. i babysat ethan a little on sat morning to give brent and meredith a small break and we played a kiddie cranium game that involved some dance moves.2. halloween night at nathan’s turned into a kitchen dance party. it started with couples being goofy and turned into everyone moving around. that was a blast!!3. chris twirled me around a little at the joe nichols concert on tuesday night.4. my class got canceled last night so i joined tracy and some friends for some bday dancing downtown. while it was good to hang out with girls, djs refused to give me any 80s, ac/dc, or bon jovi so i went home early. punks. i thought of cory getting his groove on at 80s/ladies (or however that goes) and wished i could teleport to columbus.
kimi- Kinda a lame dance week for me. I was expecting to have more to say. Went to a group lesson at the studio wednesday night. It was a pretty standard lesson, with all stuff that I already know, but I impressed my instructor with the stuff I had been working on. Then he gave me the CD to listen to for the solo I am going to do in December. The song is cell block tango from Chicago and I have to test out the edits he made. We have been planning out the choreography and which parts of the song I would be acting out. We’ll start the actual movement work on that tonight. The best part however, has be designing costuming for that event in the style of the musical. Lots of black fishnets and gothic-y looking clothes. Fun.
Jen- I had a week that I was completely unprepared for. In the midst of unexpected events, I wish I had remembered that our challenge this week was to dance- maybe it would have made it all more fun!
As it was, I danced a few times with my 3 year old (which is pretty normal). My favorite dance time was when she was hooked up to a breathing machine getting an albuterol treatment at her doctor’s office and we were dancing around the exam room together while she sang an impromptu song about medicine smoke coming out her nose. hehe. And I don’t mean sweet dancing like me holding her and swaying. I mean both of us on our feet, boogie-down, rock-out dancing. With breathing tubes and mask and all. =)
Rachel- There was not enough dancing in my week! On Monday we had over a professor and he brought his two-year-old child, and we danced. After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen and put on fun music and shook our booties a little while putting away our mismatched plates. I know Jill Scott songs were involved. That was super fun.
I think the only other times I danced while was preparing cookies or brushing my teeth. That seems OK. You just have to be careful that you don’t hurt yourself with the toothbrush. Hygiene is dangerous!
Cory- about dancing, mine has been irreverence. i didn’t go out dancing or anything this last week, but there were a few times when i was being talked to, and i didn’t really like how the talk was going, so i just started to shake it. dance as protest.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy 7th Birthday, Elias!
He also got this case to hold his DSi and games, etc. He opened it, read the package, and exclaimed "YES!!!! My very own UNIVERSAL TRANSPORTER!!!" He still calls it that. heehee
Party with friends at Gattiland. What a great time!
Star Wars birthday cake.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday Five!
*note: even though my answer this week is super-wordy, I am pretty sure mine was the shortest answer last week*
I hope you have fun with this and feel free to share your answer as a comment (or even in your own blog!) as well. =)
This week’s question:
When was the last time you stayed up all night or most of the night? How was school or work the next day? What’s your stay-coherent technique on days like that?
Lissie: the last time i stayed up all night, or practically all night, was two thursdays ago for my cousin’s bachelorette party. we got in and slept for about 3 hours before we were up and running for day-before-wedding festivities and prep.
the next day wasn’t awful like going in to teach kindergarteners has been after an all nighter. i had enough shots of espresso and family drama to get me through the day. it was saturday that i paid the price. word to the wise: don’t spend 8 hours walking around and dancing in 3 inch heels if you have to wear heels at all in the following week. your feet will hate you!
Kimi: The Last time I stayed up all night was last March. I had gone to see Dirty Dancing on stage in Chicago that day and then ended up talking in my friend’s (now boyfriend’s) apartment until about 6:30. This was a Saturday night. I do unfortunately work on Sunday mornings because I work at a church. So I drove straight from his apartment to my church which took about 1 hr due to the nasty road conditions. It was one of my busier days at work so I was running the entire time, but I remember very little of that day, except several kids telling me that I looked really really bad and asking me if I was sick. I got home from church around Noon and then slept until 5:00PM, when I headed out with him again to see another movie.
Rachel: I got 2.5 hours of sleep on Monday morning after getting home from Manhattan at 2 a.m. My pals and I went to see David Bazan at the Bowery Ballroom. He didn’t start until 11 p.m.! That’s late for us old people! The show was super awesome, and it was totally worth exhaustion throughout the next day. We drank coffee on the car ride home and so I didn’t get to sleep until 3:30. I was up by 6 to write more on my paper and to get to an 8:30 a.m. class. Woooo!
My stay-awake plan: drink lots of water, drink lots of green tea, don’t rely on coffee, eat very little sugar and eat light meals. Sugar makes me get really tired. Oh – stretch a lot, too.
Cory: well, as it happens, i stayed up most of the night last night. sadly, no Ladies/80s, but i helped a friend move some furniture and talked, then i went home stayed up watching movies on AMC with way too many commercial breaks. i just can’t not watch Stargate…
my coping techniques are going to be drinking lots of water, and since it’s friday, i might put some music on at work. i will probably hit the breakroom coffee machine a few times too.
Jen: I thought I was going to have to write about a few months ago when both of my kids alternately puked all night, but, alas, I remembered a more recent late-nighter that is much happier and less gross. =)
Our church has an annual girls retreat at Log Country Cove near Marble Falls. 20 or so log homes are rented for the weekend, and there are 10-18 women assigned to each one. There is a “hostess” (who makes contact with each of the women assigned to her cabin before the retreat and generally keeps the weekend moving along) and a “presenter” (who presents the actual teaching sessions planned for the weekend). I have served as a hostess for two years now, but this year held a bit of a surprise. =)
I got my list of ladies in my house a couple of weeks before the retreat, and there were only a couple on the list who I didn’t already know. One was “Mary Smith”, and her contact info was all the same as my presenter’s info. I thought that was a little weird, but my presenter told me she was a friend from out of town and that she would forward any correspondence from me to her.
Soooo, we all arrive at the retreat on a Friday (this was about 3 weeks ago), and a car full of girls pull up to our cabin, As I walk over to give them a hard time about taking so long to get there, etc, I notice that one of the girls in the car looks eerily like one of my best friends, Jenna Spears. But Jenna lives in Atlanta. As I got closer and realized it actually WAS Jenna, I laughed and cried and exclaimed “shut UP!!” all at the same time.
All that to say, that night was pretty much a school-girl slumber party. We stayed up till the wee hours of the morning chatting and laughing. And then my ridiculous body decided it should still wake up at 6:30am in the spirit of routine.
My coping mechanism the next day was pretty much to just keep the adrenaline going. I SOOOO could have used a nap, but instead rented a boat with a bunch of girls and went skiing for the first time ever. I even did a backflip off the boat (just to prove that I really AM still young and hip…. or something…).
There came a point that night when I hit the wall though. I pretty much knew that if I didn’t go to bed right then, I was either going to get really mean or be reduced to tears over nothingness. So, off to bed I went, followed by Jenna, where I feel asleep in the middle of a conversation. =)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The First Day of First Grade
Monday, August 24, 2009
Here We Go Again!
Quick, funny story: A little birdie told me which class Elias was going to be in for first grade, but I didn't pass the information on to him knowing that there was a chance he could be moved between classes. As the summer progressed, we decided to start praying about his first grade class. One night, at the dinner table, we had the following conversation:
Elias: "I know which class I am going to be in. I am going to be in Ms. King's class because they had their Camp Watermelon tents setup before any of the other classes."
Mom: "Hmm. Actually, Ms. King won't be teaching first grade next year."
Elias: "Oh. Well, I know I am going to be in Ms. Gates class."
Mom: "Remember last year when we prayed and asked God to put you in just the right Kindergarten class? He did a GREAT job with that, didn't he? God already knows who your teacher is and we don't have to try to figure it out, but we can pray for whoever it is going to be and that it would be just the right one for you."
Elias: "Ok." *places his hands over his heart and looks up at the ceiling for about a minute. maybe two.* *laughs* "I was wrong!!! It's Mrs. Baker! I am in Mrs. Baker's class!"
Mom: *totally looking confused* "WHAT?!"
Elias: "I just asked God, and He told me it is Mrs. Baker!"
Well, God and Mrs. Baker, we can't wait for the year you have in store for us!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
1, 2, 3, Goooooo Redwings!

Saying the YMCA pledge

"Hi Mommy!"
C'mon, ball!
Got milk?
All the moms thought it was great that she gave me a little pose before her swing.
This is FUN!
Running to 1st base
Made it to 2nd base!
Waiting on 3rd
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Are You Transformed?
The theme this year is "Transformed- More than Meets the Eye". And, yes, if you hear my cellphone ring in the next month, you will hear that my ringer has been changed to the theme song from Transformers. Elias thinks I am the coolest mom alive. :)
To illustrate how we can be transformed by God, Elias was given one of these at Sunday school today...

It's a mealworm. Thankfully, the nice teachers gave it oatmeal and a slice of potato, so there is nothing else we have to do for it. We don't even have to open the jar. Ever. :) Elias decided it is a girl, and he named it "Sarah". Not to be confused with "Sara", who is a friend from Kindergarten. Over the next 5 weeks, this is what it will become...

Yep, it's a beetle. Gross? Yes! Am I gonna touch it? No way! Is something gross transforming into something grosser (I know- not a word) going to help teach my son about the way God works in our lives? Absolutely!!! Am I excited about it? YAH-HOO!!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Mommy, What year were you born in?
Elias: *runs in out of breath* Mom! I was born in 2002! What year were you born in?
Me: 1976. (that never sounded like a LONG time ago until i JUST said it)
Elias: WOW!!!! That was a looooooooooong time ago!!!!!!
Me: MmHmm.
Elias: What did they have back then?
Me: (thinking- "back then??? really???")
Elias: Did they have houses?
Me: *laughing hysterically now* YES WE HAD HOUSES!
Elias: What else did you have?
Me: Well, we had t.v. But no DVD. We got VCR's when I was a little girl though. (didn't even try to explain BETA vs VHS)
Elias: Did you have a phone?
Me: (how old does this kid think I am????) YES WE HAD PHONES!!!! Only for the house though. We didn't have phones for the car. Actually, we got one when I was a little girl and it was bigger than this house phone.
Elias: What about video games?
Me: We did have a video game. I was probably about your age when we got it. It was an Atari. And then we got a Nintendo a few years later.
Elias: Nintendo DS or Nintendo Wii?
Me: Nope. Just Nintendo. The ORIGINAL.
Elias: Hmm. What games did you play on it?
Me: Super Mario Brothers.
Elias: Oh yeah! Like Mario Cart?
Me: Nope. Just Super Mario Brothers.
Elias: What did the controls look like?
Me: OLD.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My Model

Don't you want to go buy some bows now? :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Happy 3rd Birthday, Elena!
This list could go on and on. There is just so much to love about this sweet girl. Instead, I present you with fun pictures from our family birthday party. We had dinner at Chuck-E-Cheese. (which is where she insisted on going, but with the agreement that Chuck-E would not actually come near her. "He is staying in his nest" is what she kept repeating. The "nest" is a little round stage where a curtain opens and the mechanical Chuck-E sings songs. In case you were wondering, she still has a bird obsession.) We had cake at home, thanks to a dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free cake mix from Whole Foods.

Happy Birthday to ME!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Soaking up the Texas sun
My sweeties! Their friendship has blossomed so much this summer as they spend all day playing together. Elias recently told me he was going to marry Elena when they grow up. :)
Elias, Elena, and their cousins Jacob and Wyatt
Run from the BOYS!!!
Go Tech!!

Let's go swimming!!!