I never really had an appreciation for summer until this year, but I am LOVING this summer break! The kids and I are doing really fun things and I am getting to spend some good time out in the sun. It's like being a kid again! Add to that the bonus that I am getting to hang out with some great girl friends on a pretty regular basis, which is always nice!
We left the day after kindergarten graduation to go to San Antonio for 3 days. We did SeaWorld, the Riverwalk, the Alamo, the pool at the hotel, etc. It was such a good family vacation. The kids had a blast, and I think they are now at the age where they will look back on these vacations as adults and remember the fun we had.
After San Antonio, we came home for a couple of days and then headed north. We spend a night in Dallas with my sister, a night in Oklahoma City at a fancy-schmancy hotel downtown with some friends from Indiana, and then another night in Dallas with Adaryll's dad and his wife. Again, great memories made for all of us. We got to see several sets of people who have been very influential in our lives and who we haven't seen in several years. So, so great!
Once we got home, I decided I better make a plan for the rest of the summer. (some of you are laughing. stop it.) So I mapped out our weeks and thought out which day we would do swim lessons, sprinkler parks, neighborhood pool, etc. (are you seeing a pattern here? it's 108 degrees for Pete's sake!!!) It feels good to have some structure and routine, but still have the complete freedom to do what we want if what's on the calendar doesn't sound appealing that day.
The kids are loving their swim school. (
http://www.nitroswim.com/) Elias has been terrified to go under water all his life, mainly because he ends up inhaling a gallon of water up his nose
everytime he tries. But these people had him complete submerging himself, without holding his nose!!!, by midway through the second lesson. I am so excited for him!
I feel renewed and refreshed and energized by all the fun we've had already, and we are really only going into our 3rd week of summer! I've so enjoyed getting to watch Elias and Elena play and laugh together, and I have loved standing outside a room and listening to their conversations. I just love these kids! I'm sure I will embrace the structure and routine of school when August comes, but I am going to eat this up while it lasts! :)
Soaking up the Texas sun

My sweeties! Their friendship has blossomed so much this summer as they spend all day playing together. Elias recently told me he was going to marry Elena when they grow up. :)

Elias, Elena, and their cousins Jacob and Wyatt

Run from the BOYS!!!
Go Tech!!

My cousin CRACKS ME UP!

Let's go swimming!!!