Friday, October 31, 2008
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Good Friends, Good Food, Great Memories
After a late flight in Wednesday night and and even later bedtime because none of us could resist staying up to talk despite the exhaustion, we all got up early Thursday morning. Jenny and I went to my women's Bible study and to have lunch at school with Elias, and the boys went downtown. You can see them exploring Whole Foods here, which Jeff referred to as "Georgetown Market on steroids. All natural ones at that."
This is an actual product that our husbands found in Whole Foods. Naturally, being the boys they are, this deserved a picture of its own and a spotlight on the blog.
Then they went to tour the statehouse. Now Jeff wants to visit the Indiana state house when he gets home. As a Texan I am obligated to say that it won't be as cool as ours.
After Texas burgers for lunch, the boys headed over to the University of Texas campus. Not to be confused with Texas Tech. They are the longhorns. We are the red raiders.
Jeff decided to try on some UT paraphernalia at the campus store.
Adaryll almost left him to ride the bus home for the previous picture.
Friday, Jenny and I got to have lunch at La Madeline. I got to have lunch there with Lori when she was here. Now we just need to all have lunch there together! :) Think you can swing that, girls? Friday night we had Elias' birthday party, which will soon get a post all of its own.
Saturday morning we went to Ikea. J&J had never been in an Ikea and enjoyed being able to try out the furniture.
Elias enjoyed it too. :)
A totally impromptu dancefest broke out right in the middle of Ikea!
Of course, you can't come see the Jordans and not have Rudy's BBQ!
If you stand in front of this Texas flag long enough, you will want to move here and become a Texan yourself...
Saturday afternoon, everyone except me and Elena (we chose sleep) went to a TX band competition. Again, something about bands in Indiana but on steroids was mentioned. I guess it is true that everything is bigger in TX. But, c'mon, we don't use steroids for all of it!
After a nice dinner out with just the grown ups Saturday night, we all got to go to church together Sunday morning. This is our standard "church fountain" picture we take with all our visiting friends.
Doesn't that make all you Indiana folks want to come to Texas?
Seriously, it is 81 degrees here today. Tomorrow's forecast is 84. Think about it.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wordless Wednesday

The Most Awesome Day Ever!
Unbeknownst to Elias, I had combined ALL his and my birthday money and purchased a Wii. He has been asking for a Wii for months and I had told him it would probably be Christmas before we could get one. So, thanks Honey & Raun, GrandDad & Oma, and Grandma-Great for contributing to this great gift! Thanks Brent & Jenna for the LeapFrog book and to GrandDad & Oma for the flight suit! He loves all of it and concluded the night telling us that it was the best birthday he had ever had. And we haven't even had his party yet!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Change of Plans

Happy Birthday Elias!

(This pic is actually a couple of years old, but I love it!)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Let me know if you want one. They're $14 each with shipping. Also, feel free to forward the site to anyone you know who would be interested.
Feelin' the Love
Which brought me to thinking about something. In this age of technology, with blogging and all, it is kind of funny how lots of comments = feelin' the love. There are sometimes days when I post and nobody comments at all! Not that there is anything wrong with that really because my main purpose of this blog is just having a record of these days as our kids are growing. A big perk is that it allows me to stay in touch with all of you! But other days, like yesterday, everyone seemed compelled to leave a comment. It's like getting a big hug everytime my email box says "New comment on Texans and Hoosiers"! So thanks for all the warm hugs and encouraging words!!!
Now, about the new haircut- because SO many of you have mentioned it now!!! I will post a pic when I can, but please know that it is not that spectacular!! I feel like I need to go get another haircut to somehow live up to the expectations that are out there now!
I has posted something in my "Texan and Legal" post about needing to look a little older, since my current driver's license picture is not that different from my 16 year old one. I suggested that maybe I needed a "mommy haircut". When I went to women's retreat there was a lady in our house who cuts hair, so I got a haircut a like midnight that Saturday. It is super-cute and I felt like it made me a little more 30-ish. So I went into Elias' Kindergarten room the next day to drop him off and said to Lissie (his teacher), "I did it!" (because she had commented "resist the haircut!" on Texan and Legal). Then the assistant teacher, Jana, walked over and said how cute it was and how it just took 10 years off of me, just like that! I explained that I was actually trying to add a few years and not lose them. We all had a good laugh when I asked if I now looked 5 since I started out looking 15.
So it really doesn't look all that different from other "short" haircuts I have had before- it is about chin length. But it had gotten pretty long, so it was a change for people who had seen me recently. Sorry for all the hype!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Birdies
Last night, as the Cowboys were about to lose to the Arizona Cardinals, Elena crawled up in Adaryll's lap. After she got a good look at the helmets of the two teams, Elena exclaimed, "I like the birdies, Daddy! I like the birdies!"
Then I decided I would finally read The Shack. Having read what it was about (a little girl being abducted from a campground and her father's struggle with God about that), I had decided I would not read it. I have too many fears as a parent already. Why expose myself to such a story? But as weeks went by, more and more people told me that I need to read it. I finally borrowed a copy Saturday, started it yesterday afternoon and am finishing it today. WOW! Seriously, everyone needs to read this book. It has way more to do with who God is, what our presuppositions about Him are, how we put Him in a box, etc. than it does the actual little girl's abduction. My mind has been expanded on so many levels. I now need my own copy to go back and write in (when is the last time you wrote in a fiction book???! I don't think I EVER have!).
Anyone else out there read it yet? What are your thoughts? What were your favorite lines (or paragraphs!)?
Friday, October 10, 2008
- Cleaned a crock pot that had been sitting on my counter (full of food) for over 10 days when I was in the hospital pregnant with Elias. This was in New Orleans. Think HOT. Think GROSS!!! If I were ever asked to do this for anyone, I would throw it in the trash and go buy her a new one. It was THAT BAD!!!!
- Washed my hair when I was pregnant with Elias and couldn't even lift my head without puking.
- Drove with me, my dog, and her baby boy from New Orleans to Indianapolis when we moved. (our husbands drove the moving truck). Then helped us unpack and get settled. We were both pregnant.
- Gave me one of the best laughs I can ever remember by doing the Yahtzee Dance in our living room in Indiana. This was really funny because we had only known this couple for a month or so, but they are some of our very best friends now!
- Asked me to go walking on one of the first "warm" (meaning 50's!) days in the spring after Elias was born. Her son was 3 months younger than Elias. Our boys are now lifelong friends.
- Helped me clean my house more times than I can count. Seriously, she may have cleaned my bathrooms in Avon, IN more times than I did! And she can fold laundry like nobody's business!
- Loves Elias more than anyone else unrelated that I can think of. Would call and ask "Can I come over and put Elias to bed tonight?" when she had a free evening. She would spend extra time reading and praying with him, and I would get the night off!
- Taught me how to read a sewing pattern and how to smock. Elena has many an outfit because of this "mom" I had in Indiana!
- Came to visit us from TN twice while we lived in IN. Left us incredibly encouraged and enriched by their friendship and conversations.
- Took care of Elias when I was pregnant and in bedrest with Elena. Some of these ladies even brought fun recipes and cooked with him while I laid semi-conscious on the couch being fed through I.V.
- Took me to get my PICC line put in when I was pregnant with Elena. I can't imagine being with anyone else that day!
- Flew in from out of town to spend a week with me before Elena was born.
- Rocked Elena and rubbed her tummy on McC's front porch for her "7pm nap". (This applies to 3 of you!)
- Came running from her house when I called and said Elena had puked all over me and I couldn't move without getting it everywhere.
- Drove me, Elias, and Elena to library time every week at a time when Elena HATED riding in the car!!!! Discovered that Elena liked country music.
- Drove me, Elias, and Elena to church every Sunday morning for months when we only had one car.
- Went with me to have the kids' first allergy testing.
- Spent a week taking care of me and both kids after my foot surgery last December while Adaryll came here to look for a house.
- Packed up my ENTIRE house in boxes to move to TX after my surgery. Most days they even brought lunch and started dinner cooking!
- Flew down to TX to help me get settled once we got moved in.
- Drove down from IN for Spring Break and let our kids have another week together!
- Coming next week from IN and is going to get to come to Elias' birthday party!
There are so many more times like those that I could go on and on forever! I am glad I have this written record of these now, so I can look back in years to come and remember these sweet times. Thanks, friends, for all you do! And thanks even more for who you are!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Mystery Solved
The carseat pad, belts, etc have already been through the washer and dryer and is put back together. I am hoping there is no round 2 because I just put clean sheets on her bed yesterday! I mean, really, if you are gonna have to change pukie sheets, it would be nice if they were due to be changed anyway, right?!
So Pretty!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tooth For Sale
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, October 6, 2008
"So that you can hear me if I make noise", he said.
Hmmm, I thought, what IS he talking about??
He started pointing to the camera monitor and explained again that he wanted me to hear him if he made noise.
Then I realized he meant monitor. As in baby monitor. Which is no longer in his room. (but we do still have the camera one set up, even though the receiving end is almost always on Elena's channel) So I said to him, "OH! A monitor. Mon-It-Or."
"Yes," he said, "a thermometer".
I then explained that a thermometer is what you put in your mouth when you are sick and it checks your temperature. A mon-it-tor is what he is talking about.
"Right, a therm-monitor" he said.
"No, no. Mon-It-Tor"
"No, listen. Mon-it-tor"
"No! There is no Therm! It is just mon-it-tor!"
"Monitor!" (laughs hysterically at his mistake)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Creation Play
God created "The Stars"
This is Elias' class dressed as God's creation. You can see the darkness, light, sun, moon, stars, water, trees, birds, fish, and animals. Adam and Eve were in another class.
"He's got the whole world in His hands"
"My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God can not do!"
(another side note: This is the song I blogged about last Spring that Elias was singing "The mountains are His, the rivers are His, the stars are in San Diego too" instead of "the stars are His handiwork too". I guess his music teacher corrected him...)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wordless Wednesday Winner
Pic #2: Brent- ""Really? You think you have problems ... you ought to check out what is brewing in my diapers - then come talk to me."
Thursday, October 2, 2008
First At-Bat
Second At-Bat
Tonight we played at 6:00, which is the first gametime of the night. It's always neat to play the first game of the night because they play the national anthem over the loudspeaker. For Elias, this part is as good as the actual game.