I was thinking tonight about one of my friends who has a birthday coming up. I want to do something really special for her, and I was trying to nail it all down in my mind. As my thoughts wandered, I began to think back on our friendship and how it has grown over the last 10 years. I started thinking about all the amazing things this friend has done for me and how nothing I could possibly buy her for her birthday could measure up to the friendship and love she has shown me. I actually began making a mental list of all the things she has done, and many of them go WAY beyond the typical role of friend. As I did this, I realized that I have had LOTS of women like this in my life since college. It was really kind of cool to think back through memories of how God has encouraged me and provided for me through my friends. I thought I would make a list. If you are reading and recognize something, know that I am truly grateful for you and am thinking about what a great friend you are!
- Cleaned a crock pot that had been sitting on my counter (full of food) for over 10 days when I was in the hospital pregnant with Elias. This was in New Orleans. Think HOT. Think GROSS!!! If I were ever asked to do this for anyone, I would throw it in the trash and go buy her a new one. It was THAT BAD!!!!
- Washed my hair when I was pregnant with Elias and couldn't even lift my head without puking.
- Drove with me, my dog, and her baby boy from New Orleans to Indianapolis when we moved. (our husbands drove the moving truck). Then helped us unpack and get settled. We were both pregnant.
- Gave me one of the best laughs I can ever remember by doing the Yahtzee Dance in our living room in Indiana. This was really funny because we had only known this couple for a month or so, but they are some of our very best friends now!
- Asked me to go walking on one of the first "warm" (meaning 50's!) days in the spring after Elias was born. Her son was 3 months younger than Elias. Our boys are now lifelong friends.
- Helped me clean my house more times than I can count. Seriously, she may have cleaned my bathrooms in Avon, IN more times than I did! And she can fold laundry like nobody's business!
- Loves Elias more than anyone else unrelated that I can think of. Would call and ask "Can I come over and put Elias to bed tonight?" when she had a free evening. She would spend extra time reading and praying with him, and I would get the night off!
- Taught me how to read a sewing pattern and how to smock. Elena has many an outfit because of this "mom" I had in Indiana!
- Came to visit us from TN twice while we lived in IN. Left us incredibly encouraged and enriched by their friendship and conversations.
- Took care of Elias when I was pregnant and in bedrest with Elena. Some of these ladies even brought fun recipes and cooked with him while I laid semi-conscious on the couch being fed through I.V.
- Took me to get my PICC line put in when I was pregnant with Elena. I can't imagine being with anyone else that day!
- Flew in from out of town to spend a week with me before Elena was born.
- Rocked Elena and rubbed her tummy on McC's front porch for her "7pm nap". (This applies to 3 of you!)
- Came running from her house when I called and said Elena had puked all over me and I couldn't move without getting it everywhere.
- Drove me, Elias, and Elena to library time every week at a time when Elena HATED riding in the car!!!! Discovered that Elena liked country music.
- Drove me, Elias, and Elena to church every Sunday morning for months when we only had one car.
- Went with me to have the kids' first allergy testing.
- Spent a week taking care of me and both kids after my foot surgery last December while Adaryll came here to look for a house.
- Packed up my ENTIRE house in boxes to move to TX after my surgery. Most days they even brought lunch and started dinner cooking!
- Flew down to TX to help me get settled once we got moved in.
- Drove down from IN for Spring Break and let our kids have another week together!
- Coming next week from IN and is going to get to come to Elias' birthday party!
There are so many more times like those that I could go on and on forever! I am glad I have this written record of these now, so I can look back in years to come and remember these sweet times. Thanks, friends, for all you do! And thanks even more for who you are!
Fam in Florida Trip - Day 1
2 years ago
That was really sweet. It was fun trying to pin point names to entries. I wouldn't have had it any other way my friend. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish you were still here but I know that you are where you are supposed to be and until we meet again I know "friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them." I pray that you will find new friends there that will be just as loving as those of us here that wish we could help when the going gets tough. Thanks for blogging that it was a good way to start my day. Love you friend, and know that you are such a joy to have in my life.
Jen, you are truly blessed to have friends like that. You deserve friends like that and I hope your life contiues to be full of people who love you.
I read your tribute yesterday to previous ladies in your life and was so moved to be a part of it, Jen. I have not been on facebook much for awhile so I got caught up in reading all of yours and seeing the pictures of your beautiful children. Elena is lovely and Elias so handsome. Thank you for your memories. We all should contemplate when friends in our lives mirror Christ and recognize them. God bless you and your VERY missed family. I love you all!
Oh Girl.... such amazing memories that I will NEVER forget!!! I love ya sooo much!!! Long live the Yatzee Dance... noone else has ever seen it!!!
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