Saturday, May 31, 2008
Peanut Butter Jelly
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Uh, Houston, We Have a Problem
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
So Much To Blog... So Little Time
Great 8!

(Sidenote: We went to lunch at a Brazilian Steakhouse called Fogo de Chao, which was excellent! Indianapolis just got one if any of you Hoosiers are looking for something new and different!)
The Best $3 Elias Ever Spent
He found this Hot Wheels Mountain with a price tag of $10 on it. He politely asked the owner if she would take $3 and she said yes! (Who could refuse such a sweet 5-year-old?!) The time Elias, Elena, and Luke spent playing with it Saturday was worth more than what he paid!
Belated Garden Update
Corn (Ours will be knee high by the 4th of June instead of July!)
The lesson we talked about this week is from 1 Corinthians 3:1-2. Here is the text: 1Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.
We talked this week about how some of the plants are growing really rapidly and others are sort of stagnant. A couple of them (tomatoes in particular) look no different from when they first popped up a few weeks ago. Paul is saying that, as Christians, some of us are just like we were when we first accepted Christ. We haven't grown. We are like infants or babies still needing milk instead of graduating on to the meat. Our pastor, Tim Hawks, recently spoke about this and clarified that this "maturing" isn't about acquiring all kinds of knowledge and information. It is about how we act. So, do we act the same as when we were planted and show no growth like the tomatoes? Or are our lives a reflection of our growth in relationship to Christ, and so we act more like him as time goes by?
Elena's First Haircut
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hello Opinionated
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The End of a Season
"Baseball Ready!" in left field
Running from 1st to 2nd
Safe on 2nd
Running from 2nd to 3rd
"Go Mets!"
End of the season talk from Coach Mark (as Elias and several others cry over their loss)
Big grill on a trailer!
Our AWESOME Mets!!!
Elias hitting and running to 1st (note: he forgets to "overrun" the base, so when the coach tells him to "go, go, go", instead of going on to 2nd, he does the circle he should have done to overrun the base. LOL)
Elias running from 2nd to home
Elias playing 3rd base. He fields the ball and touches 3rd (not so great camera angle as I was focused on telling him where to go with the ball!) The runner beat him to the base, but it was a good play nonetheless!
And so our season ends. I can't believe how quickly it flew by and I really can't believe how much Elias learned in such a short amount of time. We are so grateful for the coaches we had and the players we got to play with. We have loved getting to know the kids and parents and hope to see them all around the fields again in the fall!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Update on the Garden
This weeks verses are from Matthew 3.
Pumpkin (turned REALLY green this week)
Sweet Corn
Bell Peppers (back) and Hot Peppers (front)
Psalm 5:3
Please join me in prayer right now for 2 things:
1. My little 2 year old friend, Chris, is having surgery today to put in a G-tube, through which he will be fed for the next several weeks or months. Please pray for his parents and for him and for the medical team they will be interacting with. His surgery is today at 12:30 Indiana time. (see link to his blog "Little Chris" and his mom's blog "Eric & Cathy" on my friends list)
2. We have a showing scheduled on our house in Indiana today between 10 and 12.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Texas! Our Texas! All Hail the Mighty State!
We had a big storm last night! As we pulled the cars into the garage and out of the hail, this pingpong size hail landed in one of the cars. With my blog in mind, I hurriedly scooped it up and sent Adaryll to find the camera! We spent the next several minutes taking pictures of hail and debating about whether or not we should save some in the freezer (not sure why we would do this, but it seemed like a good idea at the time). THEN we went to the TV and found out that the main cell had passed, but that we should have been taking cover as there were several funnel clouds in our midst. That to say, I hope you all realize how devoted I am to bringing you the latest news in our lives down here in Hill Country! :)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Jordans give Hi-5 a High Five

Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Have Fun Laughing...
Well, we had about a 10 minute dance lesson before we filmed this. And we only took this one video. I kind of thought we would do it several times and then choose the best one, but I just really want to go take a nap now, so this one will have to do. All in all, I would say Elias did quite well! And since most of the laughs are going to be at the 31-year-old-white-mama trying to do a ghetto dance, I figure it doesn't really matter.
But here is the catch... Since I have faced this public humiliation for the simple task of making all of you laugh, I am posting a challenge to each of you. Let's just say that if you view this video, you are accepting the challenge. Go to, search for Soldier Boy dance, learn it, and post yourself (spouse, kids, pets, whoever) doing it on your own blog. Cmon- you really owe me a laugh now! If you don't have a blog, at least email Elias a video file! Note: I am VERY much expecting at least Ali, Corrie, Jenny B., Myra, Amy P., Amy T., Jen A., Jenna (or at least Brent), Cathy, Adaryll, Jennie (with Cindy & Kerry), Steph (with others from TPCC YA's), and ALL YOU OTHERS on my friends list to do this!
Happy Mothers Day!
And to celebrate, I have a gift for each of you. ("Really?!", you say) Don't get TOO excited. The gift is simple, but I think you will enjoy it. For Mothers Day, I am going to give you each (whether you are a mom or not) a good laugh. Let me rephrase, a REALLY good laugh.
Here is a hint: go back and read the post about Elias getting a haircut.
Funny video coming soon. Hope to post by the end of the day. :)
Friday, May 9, 2008
I'm Gonna Live Where the Green Grass Grows
The chorus says:
I'm gonne live where the green grass grows,
Watch my corn pop up in rows,
Every night be tucked in close to you.
Raise our kids where the good Lord's blessed,
Point our rocking chairs towards the west,
And plant our dreams where the peaceful river cools.
Where the green grass grows.
Ok, so we aren't exactly on a farm with acres and acres of corn and peaceful rivers. It actually sounds more like Indiana than Texas. But this song just makes me think of Home. And I just get this overwhelming feeling that that is where we are- Home. I just love it here! I'm not limiting God that He couldn't send us somewhere else in the future, but I just feel so at Home here. It IS Texas, afterall! And growing a garden and watching our 3 baby corn stalks pop up in a row just makes it feel all the more Home-ish.
So, here is the update on the garden.
Lesson from this week: 1 Corinthians 3:7 says "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." Paul is talking about how he "planted" the spiritual seeds in Corinth. He had told people about what Christ did for them and formed the church in Corinth. Then Apollos had come along and "watered" those seeds. He had taught the church more about what a relationship with Christ looks like and led them spiritually. But only God could make those people grow, or LIVE their faith. We are workers with God, but our work is futile if we don't recognize that, without him, nothing can happen.
We are seeing this in the fact that we planted lots of peppers (sweet ones and hot ones) at the same time that we planted the rest of the plants. All the peppers are still inside in the little starter green house. Only about 4 of them have sprouted. We planted exactly the way the package said, just as we did the other plants. We watered, just as we did the other plants. But some of them aren't growing. And you know what? There isn't a darn thing we can do about it! We just can't make them grow! Only God can. In the same way, we don't possess the ability to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, self-controlled people by our own effort. Those are the fruit of the Spirit. And only a relationship with God can bear such fruit.
Here is a video of Elias explaining how everything is growing...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Splish Splash
So we went up the road to this little public park with a fun water area. My verdict: WAY cooler than going to a pool with 1 Mommy and 2 kids that can't swim! The kids had a BLAST! And, I just have to say it- Man, they sure are cute!!! (Check out the pink shades. She kept them on the whole time until we got in the car, when she pushed them up onto her head!)
"This is my before picture. Let's put these on your blog, Mommy! Then everyone can see that I took a haircut" (not sure why he "takes" haircuts, but that is what he has always said)
"Before what?"
"You aren't getting near these curls with those things!!!"
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Aunt Jenny

Monday, May 5, 2008