The 2-day fever mystery has been solved. Elena puked all over her carseat, the floor, herself, etc. on the way home from a t-ball game tonight. I am pretty sure this is our first exposure to car puking. Or I have blocked a previous experience out of my mind completely because of the trauma! Have I mentioned how bad her puke stinks?? And to be stuck in a minivan with it??? Ugh! Poor baby. After it was all over, she said in a pitiful, puny, sweet voice from the backseat, "I need a towel. I need a towel."
The carseat pad, belts, etc have already been through the washer and dryer and is put back together. I am hoping there is no round 2 because I just put clean sheets on her bed yesterday! I mean, really, if you are gonna have to change pukie sheets, it would be nice if they were due to be changed anyway, right?!
Fam in Florida Trip - Day 1
2 years ago
What a bummer! I kept a small trash can in the car when the kids where little because of that exact fear!
Grace gets carsick, not as much as she used to but it still happens. I started keeping plastic grocery sacks in the car (double them up). I have cleaned many a carseat and many a backseat so I feel your pain!
I hate puking. Chris lost it this summer often, but most of the time he gave us enough notice to get him out of the car, often at the side of the road. But he only hit the carseat once, not the car. The last really bad puking incident we had was when Shay was born and Bryn puked in our car on the way back from visiting Amy in the hospital. They remember it as the night Bryn visited Shay, I remember it as the night Bryn projectile vomited all over my car. Did I mention I'm a sympathetic puker?
I feel your pain Jen! A day before our two day road trip this summer, we ALL got the stomach flu and the "runs"! We had already paid for our vacation so we just loaded up the car and went. It was horrible...I thought we were going to die. Seriously! I just remembering calling my friend and saying something about rivers of poop and puke! We're all seeing a therapists now...hee hee.
UGH!! that is the worst!!! Avery did that once with over an hour drive home. She had to ride in her diaper and we drove with the windows down. it smelled awful! the next day she did it in her back up car seat so we had to clean two!!! Hope your sweet girl feels better soon!!
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