Thursday, June 12, 2008

Harvest Begins!

I know I have really neglected the whole garden update thing the past 2 or 3 weeks, but you would not believe how much everything has grown!!! Elias was outside today playing with our nextdoor neighbor, Mylee, when they both came running in yelling "We have squash!" We all went out together to look, and I couldn't believe it! There was one ripe squash and several others growing. Did that happen overnight???
So here are some pics I just took. Everything has sort of spread out and intertwined together, so it has gotten harder to keep things contained to their original spot.
Carrots and Lettuce


Squash, Canteloupe, Tomatoes

One ripe squash

Watermelon, Pumpkin, Corn, Cilantro

Mmmmm Dinner!

How fun that tonight we happen to be having guests for dinner! I found an easy squash recipe and also plan to use some of our lettuce for a salad.

The verse I plan to discuss with Elias is John 4:35, which says "Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." In the same way that the one squash in our garden was ready to be picked, someone out there is ready to receive Christ as their Savior. And in the same way that there were some squash that were growing but not yet ripe, there are people who are seeking but haven't made a decision to trust Christ for salvation. God wants us to not only sow seed, but to also help people grow and then lead them in how to trust Christ to save them, so that they can be part of His harvest.


The Spears said...

What a stinkin cool garden! I love the verse too! Enjoy the squash!

Cathy said...

We got blooms on our pickling cucumbers and strawberries this week....I'm getting excited. Don't you just love eating fresh off the vine?!

Millers said...

Holy cow the garden is huge!! Wish we had one. Love ya, Ian