Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Memory Lane

My grandma just sent me an email with pictures of me when I was little. It's funny how I can see expressions that remind me of my own kids...

Me on the left, Mom, sister (I see Elias in my sister and Elena in me here)

This is TOTALLY an expression Elena makes

Not sure which of them I see here, but check out the faux fur coat!!!

This reminds me of my nephew, Wyatt (see April & Jay on friends list)

This reminds me of my nephew, Jacob

This is actually my sister, but I see so much Elias in her!


Cathy said...

It's amazing how much they look like you. I see Elena in every one with you in it. And you're right on about Elias and your sister.

Jay and April said...

I LOVE how mom and ada never got your bangs cut straight. EVER! I have never seen a pic of you from our childhood with you and straigh cut bangs. Whats the dilly with that?!?! Were they jsut to doggone thick that and no one made sharp enough scissors? Seriously---looking through all these pics of us growing up that Dad just brought me, not a 1 is your thick hair cut in a straight line!! Apparently moms didn't care about their little girls looking cute enough to show off like they do these days!
and wow---that pic DOES look like Why-man!

Ki said...

Jen, I agree! I really see the kids in those pics. Isn't that neat? By the way, you were quite the fashion plate!