I have finally succumb to the phenomenon we all know as Facebook. I registered an account last spring sometime, but I only actually went to the site about once a month. I just didn't see the point- I already blog and read everyone else's blog, which is WAY more interesting than just looking at a profile on facebook, right?!
But when Elena was in the hospital, the only internet access I had was my cell phone. Which is REALLY limited. I could see my emails and reply, but I could not access my address book to email out if I didn't have the email address memorized. Now I know a lot of useless information, but memorizing people's email addresses is not something I do. So, I started updating my status on facebook with information about what was happening with Elena. WOW! Talk about quick response! I had comments flying left and right and people all over the country were praying for her within minutes! Now I am addicted.
During the time we were in the hospital, I received a friend request from a Kim-last-name-I-don't-recognize. I saw that we had several friends in common, so I just ok'ed the request and moved on. Several days later she left me a comment and I went to her page to figure out who she is. Once I thought I knew, I sent her a message asking if she was Kim D. who I grew up with in ElPaso. Yes she was! We got to talking and it turns out we both got married around the same time, our boys were born within 2 months of each other, our girls are 3 weeks apart, she lives less than 50 miles for me, and both her kids' names start with Z (ours with E's). Her husband is in the military and we started talking about their life. It seemed so different from mine. But the more I thought about it over the last few days, it really isn't different at all. Her husband works so that people can be free- so does mine! Her husband has to up and go whenever his job requires- so does mine! I am thankful that my husband does not have months of deployment, but I also know that he is going to Europe this month (see his blog for more info) because God told him to go. And that we moved across the country 7 years ago and again 1 year ago because God told us to. So we are at God's beck-and-call in much the same way my friend's husband is at our government's. Interesting, eh?
The funny thing is, I had just blogged about this girl last November in my post about my favorite Christmas ornaments. She is the "childhood friend, Kim" that made that baked-dough-Santa. Wow, huh?
She commented on facebook about how my faith inspired her and I had to take a step back and ask myself "What faith?! I am really struggling here! I haven't slept in a week and I'm scared to death for my sweet baby who has been on oxygen for 7 days!" And then I realized that that is how God works. Rarely is someone inspired by the person with the perfect hair and makeup whose life looks so pretty. Funny, because that is the front I have tried to put up for a lot of years. But I have learned over the last several months and years that that isn't really who I am. And, frankly, God can work bigger miracles when you admit that you need them. So humbling myself, admitting my fears, and then deciding to still turn to God and rely on Him for strength is much more inspiring to someone looking on. Wow- I can do THAT!
Thanks, Kim, for the encouragement!
Fam in Florida Trip - Day 1
2 years ago
That is so cool! I just love it when God does fun things like that in our lives. And I agree that being transparent is so much more freeing and speaks volumes more to unbelievers. I've NEVER revealed so much about my very unperfect self to anyone as I have just in the last few months, and it's so freeing...a little scary to be so vulnerable, but freeing nonetheless.
So glad you got reconnected with a dear friend.
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