Saturday, July 26, 2008


I have been on an organization kick since Tuesday. I think I get into this "nesting" mode when life seems a little out of control. Now, that isn't always the best or most convenient time to start obsessing about everything having a place, but I am starting to understand why I do this. You see, organizing my house (whether drawers or closets or whatever) makes me feel like I am in control of something. This really is a farce, because I am FAR FROM in control of ANYTHING, but it is a nice feeling to fool myself for a little while. And so, after 3 of the 4 of us were sick as could be and it was totally beyond my control, I have gone on an organizing kick.
I started with the playroom closet. I had a couple of small bookshelves in there overflowing with stuff. I pulled everything out, put in built-in shelves than span the whole width of the closet (and thus hold WAY more stuff), and then loaded everything back in. This was a huge accomplishment in many ways. Since the closet can now hold so much more stuff, I moved all the kids' games into the closet and off the playroom shelves. Now they have to ask to get a game (because there is a child lock on the closet), which has also solved the problem of walking into the playroom to find 15 games and all their pieces in the middle of the floor.
Next, since I had the bookshelves from the playroom closet, I decided to reorganize the craft closet. Again, I pulled everything out, rearranged all the shelves that I already had in there to accomodate the leftover playroom shelves, and loaded it all back in. Ahhhh, the sight of perfectly stacked plastic boxes full of craft supplies makes my heart smile.
This afternoon I pulled out all of the toys from the bottom of Elias' closet and organized them in nice plastic bins. Don't ask how long they will stay sorted and organized. Right now, I don't really care. What matters is simply that it was a wreck and I was able to fix it!
Next on the list for this evening is Elena's closet. I already sorted through her clothes a couple of nights ago and pulled out two large diaper boxes and a rubbermaid bin full of clothes that don't fit her anymore. Now I need to sort through all the stuff on her top shelf and organize it in the bright, lime-green stackable bins I got for her today. I really do love this. It's kind of sick, huh? Sigh.
Do you see the pattern? I think my life got so completely out of control for a few days that I am somehow trying to grasp any little thing that I can. Does this mean I am a control freak? Maybe. A control freak with really nice closets.

Pics added per Amy's request...

Left side playroom closet Right side playroom closet

Left side craft closet Right side craft closet

Left side Elias' closet Right side Elias' closet


amypfan said...

I want pictures! This actually sounds like the perfect way to spend a weekend to me.

Meghan said...

I'm with you Jen! I love organizing and feeling in control, even if it's only for a little while. You should see my closet. Shirts organized by length and color. Weird I know, but I'm not so bad that the hangers are color coordinated though :)

keeprunnin said...

Since you enjoy organizing, I have some for you. I think you know...I am pretty sure you've seen my closets. I will provide food and really lengthy conversation. Sound good? I'm just sayin'.

The Spears said...

You are making the rest of us lazy women look bad! Goodness girl. Although, really if you would like, you can fly on over here and fix us my closets, finish the babies room, clean my kitchen cabinets... hum let me see what else I can come up with! He he!

Willow said...

Hey Jen, if you ever want to start your own business, this could be it! People would pay big bucks for that kind of organization. You go girl!

Jordan said...

Those are some nice-looking closets.