The other milestone we hit was Elias asking for a haircut! He has always been terrified of haircuts and cries bloody-murder the entire time the buzzers are buzzing. So when he spent several days saying "Today I want to shave all my hair off and look like Daddy", I decided we should go ahead and grant his wish! We normally buzz his hair all short for the summer, but I decided to leave some curls on the top and try to "fade" it into the shorter sides.

When I was all done we gave him a mirror and said "Do you look like Daddy now?" And he said "No, I look like JACOB!" And he was so excited that he wanted to go to Texas to show Jacob his new haircut.
What a major change that is for sure!! I love your new haircut Elias!!
ADORABLE...Jen-I just read your entire blog! I am so happy to see your gorgeous family! You are on our favorites now-can't wait to keep up!
all our love-the armstrongs
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