Elias is 4 and a half years old now- where has that time gone?? He is such a sweet, sensitive, tender-hearted boy with a joy for life that is enviable. Obviously, he likes to have his picture taken! His favortite thing to do right now is reading. He loves to check out library books and then just sit on the floor in his room and read to himself (aloud, no less!). It is so neat to hear him in there making up voices for different characters or pronouncing words the way they are written as opposed to how they are actually pronounced (last night he had to say the "B" at the end of "comb" and make sure I knew about that B on the end). He also loves to play outside and ride bikes with friends. It is so much fun to watch him grow and develop. He has really become a performer over the past year, leaving some of his shyness in the past. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for him next!
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