Thursday, May 24, 2007

Growl Baby Growl

Elena's latest signature sound is a growl. Not just any growl- but a 4-and-a-half-year-old boy's GROWL! It is obvious to anyone who hears this growl that she must have (and love) an older brother. I was able to capture the growl on video this morning and I have posted a link to the video. If you click the You Tube TV icon on the top right of this page, the video should play. She does the real growl about 15 seconds into the video. The rest is actually just laughing. Enjoy!


Jackson said...

She sounds like such a girl version of Elias!! Precious!!

The Spears said...

I was going to say the same exact thing as Ali before I read hers!! He is totally a girl verson of Elias. Even the way she bites her lip in the video!! How toally cute that is. Her personality is getting bigger each day. Unbelievable. Only 8 more weeks!! She will be one by then though!!! SO SAD!! Stay little little baby girl!

Jennifer said...

Hey Jen!! Thanks for your prayers for us and for your sweet words! Your family is beeeeaaaauuutiful!! Love the Texas garden, by the way. :o)