Monday, February 9, 2009


No, this is not a post about an old cartoon. My son's basketball team actually named themselves The Roadrunners. Because they are so fast. And because they are five and six years old. And because no adults told them how silly that sounds. Actually, maybe the joke is on us and the kids all knew how ridiculous we would sound yelling "Go Roadrunners!"
So this is Elias' first season of basketball. Having been born a Hoosier, he has ALWAYS loved to shoot a ball in a hoop, so we were excited to find this opportunity through our local Y. He is having a great time and learning a lot. Really, the improvement in the first 4 weeks (especially considering that we missed 2 weeks with ear infection and trip to IN) has been tremendous.
Here are some pics and videos from his practices and games.
(Note that his team wears Texas A&M maroon. No, we were not thrilled about this. Yes, we are happy that it isn't burnt orange.)

Running down the court

Pregame Warm-up shot. (Elias is #21)

"Gooooooooooooooo Roadrunners!"

Pregame Warm-ups

Practicing shots

Practicing dribbling

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