I made up a new game. This will replace Wordless Wednesday for the time-being, mainly because I have run out of funny pics and need time to build up my stash again.
Here's how we will play: I will post a word (thus the name: One Word Wednesday). Then you will post a comment telling me and the rest of the people out there who read this your thoughts and feelings about my word. Feel free to also comment on other people's comments and come back to check and see what others have said about your comment. Make sense?
Ok, this week's word is........................................ *drumroll*.............................................
Fam in Florida Trip - Day 1
2 years ago
This is the greatest invention known to mankind. Milan (my daugther) and I watch, with glee, the commercials about the Snuggie -- it's both a blanket and a robe (and, maybe, also a tent and a napkin if you eat while watching TV) It's fantastic!
The best part of the commercial is when they're on the bleachers at a sporting event.
I swear in the last 2 weeks, I've had boatloads of FB friends comment on how much they love their Snuggies! (OK, like 5) Must be a more valuable commodity here than there.
I just posted about the snuggie last week. The infomercial makes us laugh every time. I love how inconvenient they make life look before you have a snuggie, life is much better after you buy one!
A snuggie around our family is my niece. That is her nickname given to her by my Dad, her Papaw. So while most of you think that it is some comfy blanket, I think of my 6 year old niece who also gives snuggies when we see her. They are much more fun than some blanket!! :)
I am loving this! Bring more comments!
Jaime- I love that you thought of the fact that it can also be a napkin. That would probably be the primary purpose if I were using one- lol. Do you actually own one?
Stephanie- I forgot all about the free booklight! And last week, at Elias' tball skills assessment (where it was a cold TX 45 degrees), I did overhear several coaches saying they wished they had a snuggie. Since it is perfect for outdoor sporting events and all.
Cathy- definitely would get more use in IN than in TX. But maybe not- I still use my electric blanket everyday here. Even when it isn't cold outside, A/C makes it cold inside, right?!
Stacey- I will have to go to your blog and read what you wrote. Too funny. The thing is, no matter how cheesy their commercial is, I guess it has done what they designed it to do. Everyone is America who watches TV now knows what a snuggie is. And if they had come up with a less ridiculous name for it, we might not all be talking about it.
Jennie- You should absolutely, definitely get your neice a snuggie for Christmas this year. Seriously. What better to get her than a product that shares her name AND is so darn useful! :)
My theology might be a little off today, but I think Jesus would wear a Snuggie.
Enjoy: https://www.getsnuggie.com/flare/next#order?videoID=ai195&bufferTime=5
Interesting "If it sounds too good to be true, it is..." fact about Snuggies -
Jen called me one day from the grocery super-plus store once and told me that 1 Snuggie is on sale there for $15. I told her "That's a rip...on TV they are 2 for $20 plus shipping..."
"NOT so fast my friend" - They actually charge you double shipping; ~ $8 per Snuggie, making the Snuggie + a booklight $18 each. So much for "Free"
So I was wrong, it's cheaper to buy at the grocery super-plus store than online/by telephone because booklights are super cheap here (like, dollar store).
Snuggie tryin' to rip a brotha' off!?
You know, there are days when I really think, "I want one of those!" Then I go put on a sweat shirt and problem solved.
I must've been the only one who didn't quite understand. When I saw Snuggie, the first thing I thought of was diapers. Then I thought, 'No, those are Huggies'. Then my mind wandered and I thought, 'if you take the S and move it to the end of the word...you get nuggies (noogies)...you know that thing where your older brother grinds his knuckles into your skull. I've always hated noogies.
Then I thought, well my wife (Jaime) has already responded and correctly identified this week's word. So I'm just gonna wait till next Wednesday, hope for an easier word and try again.
Adaryll- For sure. I think Jesus would wear a Snuggie. With Crocs. And I can't believe they would try to rip a brotha off like that either. I thought surely this was some public service, make-everyone's-life-better, improve-our-earth company. I had NO idea they were actually in it for the money. Who do they think they are?
Brandy- You make me laugh!!
Corey- I never had a brother, but I know exactly what you are talking about. Hopefully Elias will never torture Elena that way. And, even though Jaime beat you to it this week, you still have your remote control, right? (or did she try to take that away again?)
Ohhh, so you're also one of the Merry Band Of Remote Control Thieves. Y'all are slowly coming forward. Spotted another one at church tonite :)
I think my kids watch too much TV because they can retell the commercial verbatim. Apparently we all need one!!
Actually my kids, especially Camden, have a thing for infomercials, go figure!
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