Monday, November 10, 2008


The virtue of the month that Elias is studying Sunday mornings is thankfulness. He made a list yesterday of people he was thankful for. He was writing sort of big and using a fat marker, but he filled both sides of a regular size piece of paper. What a sweet heart. It is so rewarding to see how many people have invested in his life. Relatives who he only sees a couple of times a year, but he knows they are part of his family so he values them as such. People who he isn't related to, but they have spent a significant amount of time and energy pouring love into him so he loves them as family.
I have read some things online today that have made me stop and thank God for my life. My days might seem hard sometimes, but I have a loving, supportive husband and 2 beautiful kids. We are part of a great church with a solid vision. We serve a God who is sovereign and above all things. For all of that, I am incredibly thankful. :)

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