we have discovered the answer to the question we have all pondered at one time or another! So, what came first- the chicken or the egg? Well, in Elena's case, the egg.
Most of you know that we found out last February (through testing at the allergist) that Elena is allergic to eggs. The plan is to keep her egg-free indefinitely and hope she outgrows it. Well, I began introducing chicken into her diet a couple of weeks ago and found that she broke out in welts on her bootie each time she ate chicken. Back to the allergist we went (except this time to a much friendlier guy!) and discovered that she is also allergic to chicken now.
Her milk, tomato, and peanut tests were not positive, but were bigger and redder than the rest of her negatives. So we are praying that she not make a habit out of becoming allergic to new foods.
But at least now we know.... the egg came first!
That is too funny!!
thanks for dropping by my blog ! You've got a beautiful family.
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