Thanks so much to everyone who left comments- they were much needed lightheartedness on a sort of heavy day.
And the winners are...
*Elena afro photo* (a tie)
Ali "This is the finger that went in the light socket"
Beth "Future Einstein says 'I have and idea Mommy!'"
*Elias swimming photo*
Amy "I think I just peed"
*Green dot hands photo*
(which was a picture from backyard Bible clubs where kids earned dots for correct answers, etc)
April "You know, in the NFL, the green dot on a helmet signifies that the helmet has a radio receiver in it. oh no, that must mean WE'RE ALL ACTUALLY ROBOTS!!"
*Elias contorted photo* (a tie)
Jennie "He'll flip- You want heads or tails?"
Cathy "Auntie Anne's will hire him as their pretzel model"
*Elena nose pickin' photo*
Ali "Everything's BIGGER in TX. Wait til you see this one!"
(you had to know that putting TEXAS in a comment would win you props!)
Congratulations to all the winners. You win... hmmm... lifelong history and fame when I have my blog printed into a book for my kids someday.
Fam in Florida Trip - Day 1
2 years ago
That was me that said Auntie Anne's would hire him...Just want to get my grand prize.
Correction made! :)
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