We got out the slip-n-slide on Monday for the neighborhood kids. The Millers brought one also so we had 2 going at the same time. We made a loop out of them so that when the kids got off one, they were in line to go back the other direction on the other one.
Elias, although super-excited, is afraid of the slip-n-slide. Or maybe just of getting water in his face or up his nose. Not sure what the fear really is. But he is ecstatic to get the thing out and then doesn't want a turn.
We have coaxed him into laying on his tummy on the slide, and then a grown up takes one arm and lone leg and slings him down to the other end. He protests each time, but then laughs histerically when it is over.
Elena quietly observed the goings-on for a while before deciding she needed to actually participate. She kept crawling to the slide and getting in the other kids' ways. So I laid her on her tummy and gave her a good push down the slide. She yelped out a scream that was as much joy as it was terror. Then she sat up, laughed, and played in the water. She returned to the slide several times for more. Before I brought her in for nap I got a video- see above right. The look on her face is so funny- she really is somewhat scared, but enjoying every second of it!
oh my word, they are getting sooo big. i can't believe it. we miss you guys. april
Love the videos... tell AJ he's a rockstar!
Love you...Ali
I caught up tonight on the last several posts!! So cute and I love Elena's pigtails!! The slip n slides are so fun....when those burn out just buy some big black plastic from Lowes and run the hose on it and some baby shampoo for some real fun!!! Love keepin up with you, keep up with us at www.xanga.com/myraj I have you and Ali marked on my favorites so I remember to check in with ya'll regularly :)-myra
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