Wordless Wednesdays have turned out to be some of my favorite blog posts because of the responses you guys leave! So, here is this week's picture. I look forward to reading your captions in the comments section. (that wasn't really Wordless, was it?)
"Red ones and green ones and black ones with flowers...
Orange ones and blue ones, I'd wear them for hours...
Purple and hot pink and yellow with strings...
These are a few of my favorite things..."
I am wordless on wordless Wednesday because I am thinking the Jordans need a session regarding their obsession for Crocs!!! They do look really cool all in that circle!
Obsession? What obsession, I'm building the perfect aztec calendar out of crocs!
"Hi, my name is Jen, and I have a problem...."
Crocs for President
Steve Irwin would be proud... "Look at all those Crocs, mate! Ain't they a beauty!!!"
I think that's what fireworks would look like if they were made out of Crocs! :) (Karlene)
Hi, we're the Jordan's and we need a better hobby!
Croc and roll dewd!
"Let's pack up all of our Crocs and go visit Aunt Jenny!"
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