Seriously, I really didn't mean for that last post about poop to be my latest post for that long. Really, I promise. Sorry for all of you who may have been checking for an update throughout the week and had to keep seeing that visual each time. But it WAS funny, huh?!
Last week didn't go quite as planned. Monday night I started feeling like I was "getting sick" and realized it was too late to do anything about it. Elias was also coughing up his lungs all night and then had diarhea in his sleep during the night. (Thankfully, there are no pictures of that!)
So, off to the pediatrician we went Tuesday morning. And off to the family practice office we went after naps. Long day. Turns out we both had sinus infections. Actually, he had finished his sinus infection antibiotic the Friday before, but it hadn't done the job.
After staying home from school both Tuesday and Wednesday, Elias was a little stir crazy and ready to get back into the action. After dropping him off at school on Thursday, I went back to the doctor to find out I also had bronchitis. Seriously, could we just get some antibiotics that work for us? :) But we already had a trip to Dallas on the schedule, so we packed everyone up that evening and drove up to the metroplex. And even though I felt like crap, it was such a great trip! We stayed with Papa-G and Gladys (Adaryll's dad and his wife) and it was so good to get some time with them. The kids just adore them! Adaryll had a conference to attend on Friday, so the kids and I spent the day with my sister and nephews. I just love seeing that somehow kids just know who their relatives are and they are so drawn to them. These 4 cousins (the 2 older specially) just LOVE eachother and are SO excited to spend time together!
Saturday morning we drive back early and arrived home just in time to attend Kelii's birthday party and a TTU vs. OU party. (we won't talk about that game. just know that we were mad. and then sad. and then disappointed. and then disgusted.)
And that finally brings us up to today!!! I think we are all on the mend and looking forward to the week ahead. Elias has the whole week off, so I have some fun crafts and activities planned. I will try to take pics and update as the week progresses!
Love to you all! :)